How Great Is Our God
Our 2025 Memory Verse
Come and hear, all you who fear God;
let me tell you what he has done for me. Psalm 66:16 NIV
Testimony of Thanksgiving
Thank you to all who prayed for various events over Christmas. We had a fantastic time with the four schools we were involved with and on two occasions St Nicholas was packed. We also had some great attendances at our Christmas services and, more importantly, a real sense of the presence of the Lord. Thank you for all who prayed, served refreshments or did anything else to contribute to these events. Please pray that the Gospel message was heard and that people will come to know Jesus.
Christmas Appeal 2024
A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all those who gave so generously to the Christmas appeal. We have sent, through Crosslinks, £1465 (including Gift Aid) to the Clarkes for the needs at their Church Plant.
Thank you
Over the course of 2024, I have written letters of thanks on behalf of the PCC to regular givers, if I know who they are. However, I also feel it is important to thank people who have put money in the box or via the contactless machine anonymously, or have given occasional gifts electronically through their bank. Please would those kind and generous givers also accept my thanks. The vast majority of our income comes from individual giving and Gift Aid, and without this our church would simply not be able to function. So every gift is very gratefully received.
Green Church Giving Envelopes
Annabel has prepared this year’s weekly church giving envelopes. If you are already part of the scheme please look out this month for a new set for 2025. If you would like to start to use the envelopes, then please have a word with Annabel, as there are a few boxes spare. She sends her thanks to all who have been giving regularly in this way; it is a great help to be able to rely on regular income.
If you shop online it is possible to raise funds for St Nicholas with St Barnabas. Thousands of brands are part of the scheme.
Check out this link:
St Barnabas Church Fencing
Storm Darragh took out a fence post and two panels on the far side of St Barnabas Church. Please could someone volunteer to spend half a day with Duncan to put in a new post and panels. If you can help, please make arrangements with Duncan (contact details towards the end of this update) and let Jim know. The church will pay for the materials needed for this repair.
Epiphany Banquet – Saturday 4th January
A reminder for those who have bought tickets – 6 for 6:30 in St Nicholas’ Church.
Praying for Peace
St Nicholas’ Church will be open for prayer for peace in Ukraine and between Israel and Palestine/Gaza/Lebanon between 9:30 and 10:00 on Mondays 6th 13th and 20th January, weather permitting. If in doubt phone Joy (625545).
Monday 6th January - Lunch Break at 12.45 in St Barnabas
New folks welcome. Please contact Pauline on 01934 415401.
Will regulars also please contact Pauline if they are unable to come this month.
Please pray for those who attend and those who cook and serve but most importantly, that the Lord will make himself known.
Thursday 9th January – 11:00 a.m. – Madeley’s Meat
We continue to study Revelation. You are welcome to join, even if you have not joined before.
Meeting ID 899 8261 4139 Passcode 214356
Wednesday 15th January - Coffee and Cake Evening
7:30pm in St Nicholas’ Church with speaker Val Jeal, founder of the charity One25 from Bristol. Free admission. Please see the attached advert.
Thursday 23rd January – 11:00 a.m. – Madeley’s Meat
We continue to study Revelation. You are welcome to join, even if you have not joined before.
Meeting ID 899 8261 4139 Passcode 214356
Saturday 8th February at 7:30pm in St Nicholas’ Church - The Hiding Place.
Please invite your friends to this professional production by Oddments Theatre Co. It is about a Dutch family, the Ten Booms, who rescued Jews during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in the Second World War, and what happened to the family.
Tickets – already available from Gail Rowley, 07886 719449 - are £10.00 for adults and £8.00 for students (Y6 upwards) in advance. They are £12 on the door.
Can you help?
Oddments Theatre company, who are coming to St Nicholas’ Church on Saturday 8th February, need overnight accommodation locally as they are performing at Bristol Prison on Sunday 9th.
Please would anyone offer a bed and early breakfast to a performer? Please speak to Gail.
On frosty days, the heaters at St Nicholas Church are going to struggle to achieve a temperature that some would regard as comfortable. If you feel the cold or are wary of icy conditions, you may wish to consider joining us by Zoom.
Meeting ID 840 9512 2088 Passcode 584822
Sunday 5th January 10 a.m. – Holy Communion in St Nicholas live and by zoom
Epiphany (Epiphany actually falls on 6th January)
Isaiah 60:1-6 Matthew 2:1-12
6 p.m. Prayer Meeting in St Nicholas
Wednesday 8th January 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion in St Barnabas live and by zoom
Paul Sails for Rome
Acts 27:1-12
Sunday 12th January 10 a.m. – Morning Worship in St Nicholas live and by zoom
Joseph’s Brothers Go To Egypt
Genesis 42:1-17
Wednesday 15th January 10:30 a.m. – Morning Worship in St Barnabas live and by zoom
The Storm
Acts 27:13-26
Sunday 19th January 10 a.m. – Holy Communion in St Nicholas live and by zoom
Joseph’s Brothers Return to Canaan
Genesis 42:18-38
6 p.m. – Prayer Meeting in St Barnabas
Wednesday 22nd January 10:30 a.m. – Holy Communion in St Barnabas live and by zoom
The Shipwreck
Acts 27:27-44
Sunday 26th January 10:30 a.m. – All Together Service in St Nicholas live and by zoom
Theme to be decided
The next Parish Update will be produced on Friday 24th January.
Please pray for:
Barbara Brown
Ann Butt – keep praying for Ann after her loss of Jim; pray too for her health.
Rene Eaton – Joy says, “We saw Rene just before Christmas. Unfortunately she was rather agitated during this visit.”
Malcolm and Edna Hunter
Ada Keeley
Paul and Barbara Lewis
The Madeleys - For guidance in the New Year, for Rachel returning to University, Ben to college, Caroline to School and Mark resuming Church duties.
Stella Middleton
Gwen Purnell
Mac Reid – continue praying for Mac after his loss of Pam
Jo Scott
Peter and Val Tullett
Gill and David Willis
Pray for our Parish Standing Committee, which meets on the morning of Monday 6th January, and for the PCC, which meets on the morning of Monday 20th January.
St Barnabas
Following on from PCC’s decision to enter into discussion and prayer with St Paul’s about the details of the partnership for St Barnabas Church, the first meeting with St Paul’s is scheduled for Monday 14th January. Please pray for wisdom and sensitivity as members of the working group from both parishes explore how this partnership might work.
The Clarkes
Pedro Santos
Heather Johnstone – Heather sends this New Year message to us: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and for forever. 2 Peter 3:18. Happy New Year.”
Please pray for Heather travelling to South Africa this Sunday 5th January, and for a good holiday with her brother and family. Pray also for safe travelling to Tanzania on Sunday 19th and a happy reunion with the Rehema women.
Please continue to pray for Alison Giblett, Anya and Pastor Valery, CMS mission partners, in Kiev. Pray for wisdom to know where to invest their energy and time and when to rest. Ask God to move in the hearts of President Putin and all leaders, and for peace in Ukraine.
Contact Details
Mark’s contact details are and 01934 620156.
Our Church Wardens
Jim: 01934 644623 or
Lynn: 01934 813763 or
The Pastoral Team
Angela James 07792 133403
Barbara Lewis 07773 087439 (mobile preferred to landline 633655)
Joy Realff 625545
Parish Office
When Duncan is in the Parish Office it is usually at the following times:
Mondays and Wednesdays 09:00am - 2:00pm, Fridays 2:00 – 4:00pm.
If you need to telephone Duncan please use the following number, which is a temporary one - 07766 482850. The earlier landline is no longer operative.
If you are emailing Duncan please remember to use the new address - The earlier one is no longer checked.
Instagram and Facebook
Our churches have an Instagram account, which Rachel set up. The address is (no capitals)
Our Facebook page can be accessed through this link:
Please be aware that in due course you will be able to find this update under “Parish Newsletter” on our website: