Trust an unknown future to a known God
Our 2024 Memory Verse
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:6-8, NIV
The PCC met on Monday 23rd September and passed the following resolution:
The PCC thanks Bishop Michael and St Paul’s for the offer of support to develop the mission and ministry at St Barnabas with the community of the Coronation and Oldmixon estates; however, the PCC needs to enter discussion and prayer with St Paul’s about the details of the partnership between the parishes.
Why is this needed?
St Nicholas and St Barnabas have ageing congregations and we do not have the people to develop what might be offered to those living on the Coronation and Oldmixon estates. Under any new arrangements we are expecting what is already happening at St Barnabas to continue as well as new initiatives to be delivered by a team from St Paul’s for the benefit of those living on the Coronation and Oldmixon estates. That team is likely to be strengthened through the appointment of a part-time lay pioneer minister who would be managed by the Vicar of St Paul’s, Craig Philbrick, who has experience of growing up on social housing estates.
Will this mean changes for the Wednesday service and our current activities?
The simple answer is NO! Mark will continue to lead the Wednesday service with support from Jim. The monthly lunch club, weekly craft and table tennis clubs will continue to operate as now. The new activities that will be introduced over time by the team from St Paul’s will achieve greater use of St Barnabas church and that will hopefully include the re-introduction of worship on a Sunday. Furthermore, it is our expectation that Duncan will continue to work as our church administrator from the church office.
New Zoom Codes from 1st October
We shall be using new Zoom codes from 1st October. Will those who may need them please save the attachment.
Praying for Peace
St Nicholas’ Church will be open between 9:30 and 10:00 for prayer for peace in Ukraine and between Israel and Palestine/Gaza/Lebanon on Mondays 30th September and 7th and 14th October, weather permitting. If in doubt phone Joy (625545).
Wednesday 2nd October 3:30 p.m. – Messy Church
Please pray that we will have a good attendance and pick up well as we have not had one since July. Our theme is Who is God? What is God like?
Thursday 3rd October 11 a.m. – Madeley’s Meat
Meeting ID 899 8261 4139
Passcode 214356
We cannot meet on 17th due to a Thanksgiving Service (bereavement), so the next one will probably be 24th October, to be confirmed.
N&B Table Tennis Club
Our table tennis club meets at St Barnabas Church on Thursday evenings between 6.30pm and 8.30pm and is run by church members. Everyone is welcome and we provide bats to play with. Please speak with Jim or Cheryl for more details.
Sunday 6th – Wednesday 9th October
Mark will be totally unavailable as he will be in Israel on a very packed itinerary.
Monday 7th October - Lunch Break at 12.45 in St Barnabas
New folks welcome. Please contact Pauline on 01934 415401.
Will regulars also please contact Pauline if they are unable to come this month.
Please pray for those who attend and those who cook and serve but most importantly, that the Lord will make himself known.
THURSDAY 10th October, 7.30pm. – Coffee and Cake Evening
Guest Speaker is from the Loaves and Fishes Project, St Paul's, Bristol. Come and join us to hear more about supporting the needs in this area. Bring your friends. See the attachment.
Friday 11th October – 6:30 p.m. Church Quiz
£10 per person including fish and chips. Please buy tickets from Caroline or Lynn and make sure they know what you would like from the fish shop. We can help you make teams if you are on your own or just a few of you. Teams of 6 maximum.
Thursday 17th October 11:30 a.m.– Thanksgiving service
Thanksgiving service for the life of John Hayes
Friday 18th October – 12:30 p.m. – Funeral service
Funeral service for Elizabeth Anderson followed by refreshments at Beachlands
A Date for your diary – Visit of Heather Johnstone
Heather, our CMS Mission Partner in Tanzania, will be visiting St Nicholas Church for the weekend of 2nd to 3rd November.
The Mission Team are planning a shared lunch after the Sunday service (similar to the one arranged in early September when Lyn and Rich gave their talk). There will be a list at the back of church, through October, for people to sign up for their food contributions.
Sunday 29th September at 10 a.m. – Morning Worship in St Nicholas live and by zoom
The Cupbearer and The Baker
Genesis 40:1-23
Wednesday 2nd October 10:30 a.m. – Holy Communion in St Barnabas live and by zoom
Paul Transferred to Caesarea
Acts 23:23-35
Sunday 6th October 10 a.m. – Holy Communion in St Nicholas live and by zoom
The Rich and Kingdom of God
Mark 10:17-31
Wednesday 9th October 10:30 a.m. – Morning Worship in St Barnabas live and by zoom
Paul’s Trial Before Felix
Acts 24:1-9
Sunday 13th October 10 a.m. – Morning Worship in St Nicholas live and by zoom
Pharaoh’s Dreams
Genesis 41:1-16
Wednesday 16th October 10:30 a.m. – Holy Communion in St Barnabas live and by zoom
Paul’s Trial Before Felix 2
Acts 24:10-27
Sunday 20th October 10 a.m.- Holy Communion in St Nicholas live and by zoom
Pharaoh’s Dreams Revealed
Genesis 41:15-40
The next Parish Update will be produced on Friday 18th October.
Please pray:
Fumbani, Yebo and Eliza arrived safely in Malawi. An emotional reunion of course with her mother who met them at the airport.
Barbara Brown
Jim and Ann Butt – please continue to pray for a good recovery for Jim.
Rene Eaton - Rene was alert and full of smiles when visited last week. We chatted about people she knew at church, prayed together and her message to the church was, "Thank you for being a good witness to the community." (from Joy)
Malcolm and Edna Hunter
Angela James
Ada Keeley
Paul and Barbara Lewis
The Madeleys
Please pray for safety for Mark when in Israel, especially as he will be travelling within the Gaza envelope. He will be part of a team commemorating the October 7th Massacre by the Hamas Terrorists.
Please also pray for peace for Caroline, Rachel and Benjamin.
For Caroline at Windwhistle School which is sometimes very demanding.
Thanksgiving for Rachel being happy at University and Benjamin being happy at College.
Stella Middleton
Gwen Purnell
Mac and Pam Reid
Jo Scott
Peter and Val Tullett
Please pray for the future of St Barnabas.
Tuesday 1st October: Wisdom for Locking Deanery Mission and Pastoral Group (DMPG) as it considers the recent Deanery Review with Archdeacon Charlie and Diocesan Officials
Thursday 17th October: Please pray for Locking Deanery Synod as it meets this evening
Heather Johnstone - Please continue to pray for Heather at Rehema in Tanzania, with many arrangements to make before coming on leave at the end of October.
The Clarkes
“V” in the Republic of China Taiwan
Please continue to pray for the safety of Alison Giblett, Anya and Pastor Valery in Ukraine and for their major evangelism project to bring the gospel to 6 regions that have suffered major destruction.
Contact Details
Mark’s contact details are and 01934 620156.
Our Church Wardens
Jim: 01934 644623 or
Lynn: 01934 813763 or
The Pastoral Team
Pauline Farley 415401
Angela James 07792 133403
Barbara Lewis 07773 087439 (mobile preferred to landline 633655)
Joy Realff 625545
Parish Office
When Duncan is in the Parish Office it is usually at the following times:
Mondays and Wednesdays 09:00am - 2:00pm, Fridays 2:00 – 4:00pm.
If you need to contact him please telephone (01934 641863) or use email -
Please note this is a new email address.
Instagram and Facebook
Our churches now have an Instagram account, which Rachel has set up. The address is (no capitals)
Our Facebook page can be accessed through this link: