Parish Newsletter

Trust an unknown future to a known God


Our 2024 Memory Verse

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 

Romans 5:6-8, NIV 


Rev’d Sue Phillipson-Masters

Many of you will remember Sue’s time here as a curate. Her sister Cathryn has sent us this message:

“I'm afraid I have to tell you that our sister Sue passed away on Wednesday (3rd July) afternoon. The last few weeks have been a real trial for her and we are relieved that she is at last at peace. Her sister Ann and brother Ian and I were with her as she died.  You won't be surprised to know that she was still making it perfectly clear, right to the end, exactly what she wanted!”


Praying for Peace

St Nicholas’ Church will be open between 9:30 and 10:00 for prayer for peace in Ukraine and between Israel and Palestine/Gaza on Mondays 8th, 15th and 22nd July, weather permitting. If in doubt phone Joy (625545).


Thursday Coffee Mornings at St Nicholas

Every Thursday in term time from 10:30 to 12:00. 

PLEASE NOTE: We desperately need volunteers to help with this new venture.  It is a good way of opening-up to our community.


The Clarke Family Visit – Sunday 14th July

Jo, Rachel and their children are coming to St Nicholas’ Church to join us for the service on Sunday 14th July. This will be followed by a BBQ with them outside the Church Hall. Tickets at £5 (children £2-50) are on sale from Jeff, Joy, Pauline and Val.


P.C.C. Monday 15th July

Please pray for the P.C.C. as it meets to make important decisions.  Pray for wisdom.


Coffee and Cake – Wednesday 17th July

Next Coffee and Cake Evening is at 7.30pm on Wednesday July 17th, in St Nicholas’ Church.

Lyn and Rich Star will be talking about their recent time in Tanzania with GoMAD. Everyone is welcome. Please see the attached poster.


 Release International  - Table Top Games - Saturday 20th July 2-5 p.m.

Following the visit of Paul Thomas to St Nicholas’ there will be a Table Top Games Tournament in St Nicholas’ Church on Saturday 20th July between 2 and 5pm. This fun afternoon of games and cream teas is being organised by Nicky and Neil O’Donoghue in aid of Release International.





Sunday 7th July – Morning Worship in St Nicholas live and by zoom

Reasons for Paul’s Instructions

1 Timothy 3:14-4:5

Snickers in Church Hall
Prayer Meeting in St Nicholas 6 p.m.


Wednesday 10th July - Morning Prayer in St Barnabas live and by zoom

Paul in Ephesus

Acts 19:1-22


Sunday 14th July – Holy Communion in St Nicholas live and by zoom

Snickers in Church Hall

Reasons for Paul’s Instructions 2

1 Timothy 4:6-16

The Clarkes from Portugal will be sharing their news at this service


Wednesday 17th July - Holy Communion in St Barnabas live and by zoom

The Riot in Ephesus

Acts 19:23-41


Sunday 21st July – Holy Communion in St Nicholas live and by zoom

Widows and Elders

1 Timothy 5:1-15

Snickers in Church Hall

6 p.m. Prayer Meeting in St Barnabas Church 


Wednesday 24th July - Morning Prayer in St Barnabas live and by zoom

Through Macedonia and Greece

Acts 20:1-6


Sunday 28th July – All Together Service in St Nicholas live and by zoom

Theme to be announced



The next Parish Update will be produced on Friday 26th July.



 Please pray for:


Elizabeth Anderson 


Barbara Brown 


Jim and Ann Butt 


Rene Eaton


Malcolm and Edna Hunter


Angela James


Ada Keeley


Paul and Barbara Lewis


The Madeleys

Please pray for spiritual refreshment, lots of fun and time to catch up with friends at the Church’s Ministry among Jewish People’s conference 4th-7th July.  Other than that, continue to pray for Mark to get answers, Caroline to make it to the end of term, Rachel to enjoy working and visiting friends and Ben to make the most of his time off. 


Stella Middleton


Gwen Purnell


Mac and Pam Reid


Jo Scott  


Peter and Val Tullett 


Lyn & Rich Star –  Lyn and Rich got home from Tanzania on Sunday after 35 hours of travelling. They went straight back to work on Monday morning. They’d like to thank everyone for their prayers.

Pray for them now as they get back to normal and as they prepare to feed back to Church and elsewhere over the coming months.

Pray for the Diocesan Synod meeting on Wednesday 10th July to approve the 2023 accounts and to vote on the adoption of the new methodology for calculating Parish Share.

Deanery Synod meeting on Tuesday 16th July at 7.30pm at St Mary’s Langford.  Please pray for wisdom and for our parish representatives Mark, Pauline and Jim.


St Barnabas Part-Time Lay Pioneer Minister

Please pray for the future of St Barnabas.


Heather Johnstone - Heather thoroughly enjoyed Rich and Lyn's GoMad team's visit. Heather and Rehema now have a much larger, more unwieldy group of 51 people which is more challenging. Please pray for Rehema coping with them.


The Clarkes - Pray for the Clarkes as they visit us on 14th July and for the BBQ, that God will bless our time together and that the weather will be fine.


“V” in the Republic of China Taiwan 


Please continue praying for Alison Giblett, Anya and Pastor Valery (who work with CMS in Ukraine). 

Alison reports that things have been a lot harder this spring with heavy attacks on the eastern cities and loss of ground previously regained. Another estimated 500,000 people have moved to Kyiv to add to the 8 million internally displaced people. The government is requiring all men aged 20 to 60 to report to the local military office, which is causing a lot of tension. Please pray for peace and unity in the country as well as protection. Alison's church has increased their commitment to intercession.

Please also pray for the Children's camps her church, along with other churches, will be organising this summer.


Contact Details


Mark’s contact details are and 01934 620156.


Our Church Wardens

Jim: 01934 644623 or

Lynn: 01934 813763 or


The Pastoral Team

Pauline Farley 415401

Angela James 07792 133403

Barbara Lewis 07773 087439 (mobile preferred to landline 633655)

Joy Realff 625545


Parish Office

Duncan is normally in the Parish Office at the following times:

Mondays and Wednesdays 09:00am - 2:00pm, usually on Fridays 2:00 – 4:00pm.

If you need to contact him please telephone (01934 641863) or use email -


Instagram and Facebook

Our churches now have an Instagram account, which Rachel has set up. The address is (no capitals)


Our Facebook page can be accessed through this link: 


The Coffee and Cake Evening poster is attached.


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