Parish Newsletter

Trust an unknown future to a known God


Our 2024 Memory Verse

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  

Romans 5:6-8, NIV  



Praying for Peace

St Nicholas’ Church will be open between 9:30 and 10:00 for prayer for peace in Ukraine and between Israel and Palestine/Gaza/Lebanon on Monday 21st October, weather permitting. If in doubt phone Joy (625545).

However, the church will not be open on Mondays the 28th October and the 4th November. It will be open again for prayer on Mondays from November 11th.



If you shop online it is possible to raise funds for St Nicholas with St Barnabas. Thousands of brands are part of the scheme.

Check out this link: 


Sunday 20th October 6 p.m.  -  Prayer Meeting at St Barnabas cancelled


Tuesday 22nd October 2:20 p.m. – Thanksgiving Service for Jim Butt

Please pray for Ann and the family as we gather to give thanks for the life of Jim Butt.


Thursday 24th October 11 a.m. – Madeley’s Meat

Join us for the next instalment of Revelation.  Remember all are welcome. 

Meeting ID         899 8261 4139                  Passcode              214356


Samaritan's Purse

It's Shoebox Time! National collection week is 11th to 18th November. A new destination for shoeboxes this year is MALAWI! If you fill a box for Malawi, they suggest extra toys as well as the usual stationery items etc. However, shoeboxes still also go to colder countries where scarves, hats and gloves are more than welcome. Frances Land knits scarves and hats, if you want them for a shoebox, and Audrey Howell dresses Barbie type dolls if you want one of those, or two or three!

Ask  Jeff and Joy if you want more information or need a leaflet. Thank you.

Check out this link

 or call 0208 559 2044.  




Visit of Heather Johnstone - Sunday 3rd November

Heather Johnstone, our CMS Mission Partner in Tanzania, will be visiting St. Nicholas Church on Sunday, 3rd November.
We are holding a bring-and-share lunch after the morning service, where Heather will give an illustrated talk about the Rehema Project. There will be handicrafts for sale from the Rehema ladies.
If you intend to attend, please sign the list of food contributions at the back of the church.

Please help us make it as delicious and generous as the last shared lunch we had with Richard and Lyn. Thank you. 


Coffee and Cake – Thursday 14th November

The next Coffee and Cake Evening is on Thursday, November 14th from 7.30 pm. Our guest is Barry, the founder and director of Oddments Theatre Co.  Barry and his wife will perform some sketches and poetry they've written as well as tell amusing anecdotes about the Theatre Company.

Please invite your friends. It should prove to be a very entertaining evening.


Saturday 7th December - WorleWind Band Christmas Concert in St Nicholas’ Church

Please speak to Caroline if you would like tickets for this concert. It is always a sellout so buy them now.


St Nicholas Heating

The annual maintenance of the church's heating will be done on 7th November.  Jim apologises for only having three working heaters until then.


St Nicholas’ Church insurance claim

The loss adjustor has turned down our claim to make good the damp on the wall behind the refreshments table.  Please pray that the loss adjustor will reconsider and give us a favourable decision.



Sunday 20th October 10 a.m.- Holy Communion in St Nicholas live and by zoom

Pharaoh’s Dreams Revealed

Genesis 41:15-40


Wednesday 23rd October 10:30 a.m. – Morning Worship in St Barnabas live and by zoom

Paul’s Trial Before Festus

Acts 25:1-12


Sunday 27th October 10 a.m. – All Together Worship in St Nicholas live and by zoom

All Together Worship


Wednesday 30th October 10:30 a.m. – Morning Worship in St Barnabas live and by zoom

Festus Consults King Agrippa

Acts 25:13-22


Sunday 3rd November 10 a.m. – Holy Communion in St Nicholas live and by zoom

Joseph In Charge In Egypt

Genesis 41:41-57

Visit of Heather Johnstone, and bring-and-share lunch after the service.


Sunday 3rd November 6 p.m. – Prayer Meeting in St Barnabas



The next Parish Update will be produced on Friday 1st November.



Please pray for:


The family of Elizabeth Anderson following her funeral on 18th October


Barbara Brown 


Ann & the family of Jim Butt following his thanksgiving service on 22nd October


Rene Eaton


 Malcolm and Edna Hunter


 Angela James


 Ada Keeley


 Paul and Barbara Lewis


Fumbani Limani - Fumbani is enjoying her maternity leave in Malawi and Yebo, 5 months, is getting used to having so many relatives.


The Madeleys

Thanksgiving for Mark’s time in Israel and the chance to process and share everything he saw.

For some family time together at the end of October.


Stella Middleton


Gwen Purnell


Mac and Pam Reid


Jo Scott


Peter and Val Tullett 


Subsequent to PCC's decision to enter discussion and prayer about a partnership with St Paul’s to develop the mission and ministry at St Barnabas, a meeting has been arranged with Archdeacon Charlie and Diocesan officials on Tuesday 12th November.  A working group consisting of Angela, Duncan, Frances, Gail and Jim has been chosen to work with St Paul’s in due course to determine how the partnership will work.  Please pray for wisdom for all involved.



Heather Johnstone - Please pray for any final arrangements Heather has to make before travelling on leave at the end of the month and for safe travelling. Pray for a blessed weekend for all of us when she visits us from November 2nd to 4th. Pray for a good time of fellowship and an interesting and challenging talk at the shared lunch on Sunday and Lunch Club on the Monday.

(A reminder to sign up for the shared lunch on the Sunday if you haven't done so.)

Give thanks that the Rehema Team performed so brilliantly when catering for 100 VIP guests over 3 days! See Heather's Prayer Letter. Ask Joy for one if you haven't received it yet.


The Clarkes


Newsletter from “V” in the Republic of China Taiwan

V rejoices that opportunities have arisen for her to establish worship groups amongst her Indonesian neighbours and friends.
V’s Elderly Folk Group continues to have a more spiritual focus each week with situations developing to enable her to minister to members.
Pray that the students who have finished V's online Preaching Course will be inspired as they embark on their new ministry. 

Pray for V as she prepares to teach her January-February 2025 Cross-Cultural  Communications Course.

V is planning a visit to the UK in Spring 2025. Pray that Julie will receive all the relevant documents to enable her to obtain a UK visa, which will allow her to accompany V.
We are hoping that V will visit St Barnabas Church on Wednesday, 9th April 2025.



Please continue to pray for Alison Giblett, Anya and Pastor Valery, CMS mission partners, in Kiev. Pray for Anya who recently visited a church whose pastor was killed in a missile attack on the church building. Now members gather in homes and the Pastor's wife, Lena, has taken over as lead pastor. Pray for Lena and her son, for Lena as she forms a team to continue ministry and for strength for the whole church body and for Anya as she encourages them. (See CMS Prayer Lines October 4th) 



 Contact Details

Mark’s contact details are and 01934 620156.


Our Church Wardens

Jim: 01934 644623 or 

Lynn: 01934 813763 or 


The Pastoral Team

Pauline Farley 415401

Angela James 07792 133403

Barbara Lewis 07773 087439 (mobile preferred to landline 633655)

Joy Realff 625545


Parish Office

When Duncan is in the Parish Office it is usually at the following times:

Mondays and Wednesdays 09:00am - 2:00pm, Fridays 2:00 – 4:00pm.

If you need to contact him please telephone (01934 641863) or use email -   This is a new email address.


Instagram and Facebook

Our churches have an Instagram account, which Rachel set up. The address is (no capitals)


Our Facebook page can be accessed through this link:

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